Futuristic Vision

Futuristic Vision was to represent futuristic designs. The design concepts are postmodernism which demonstrated escape from the traditional and classical form. The collection presents to emphasize dissolution and re-formation and to illustrate a harmony between transformation and assembling. Also, the motivation of this collection expresses boldness and diversity against standardization and mustiness.

Black and Gold Sew / Restoration / Hibiscus / Shackles

2014 Runaway 2nd price, Passion For Fashion Sewing Challenge, American Sewing Expo, Highland, MI, US.

2014 Runaway 2nd price, Passion For Fashion Sewing Challenge, American Sewing Expo, Highland, MI, US.


Black & Gold Saw presents the phenomenon of self-expression which was affected from the improvement of technology. With the digital revolution, we can get any desired information regardless of time and place by using the internet. This design create a stronger visual hierarchy to affect the people showing their individuality.

2011 Award 1st prize for Cotton Apparel Design Competition, Cotton Inc.

2011 Award 1st prize for Cotton Apparel Design Competition, Cotton Inc.


Restoration was inspired by the painting ‘The Roots and Thorn Bird’ (Frieda Kahlo) that captures the fundamental basis of the relationship between humans and nature. Restoration presents hope and a future for her. The jacket’s collar was expressed in the wing to represent hope.

2012 Gallery Live - International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA), Honolulu, HI, US.

2012 Gallery Live - International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA), Honolulu, HI, US.


Hibiscus presents the cutting edge of fashion based on Hawaiian native culture. Instead of using an accessory to complement a garment, this design uses LED bulbs as components of the design to represent a harmony of tradition and technology.

2011 Award 1st prize for Cotton Apparel Design Competition, Cotton Inc.

2011 Award 1st prize for Cotton Apparel Design Competition, Cotton Inc.


Shackles represents the pain and severe ordeal of Frida Kahlo who have physical disorders. Moreover, this design of cloth shows the depth of the wound and dark in her painter, and the zip-line of overall was expressed in wound of her chest.


Collection II: Kinetic Art


Textile Development: Shadows of Nature