Trend Report / Future of Hospitality

Consumerism of the robust multi-generation consumers, and well planned strategic plans from the government, that are expected over the next few months. Current social distance keeping measures will bring about a chain of events that will affect people for a long time, changing people’s perception and trend of hospitality including entertainment, restaurant, and accommodation in general.



Due to the outbreak of COVID 19, self-isolation is becoming more common. Self-isolation coping methods such as home cafes are drawing renewed attention as we spend more time at home due to telecommuting and social distance (CNN, 2020). Consumerism of the robust multi-generation consumers, and well planned strategic plans from the government, that are expected over the next few months. Current social distance keeping measures will bring about a chain of events that will affect people for a long time, changing people’s perception and habits about entertainment, fashion, food, and hospitality in general.

Photo by Blozeen


Millennials (born in 1980~2000) lead a new consumer group. Faced with various international crises, today’s people in their 20s and 30s do not hesitate to join forces and actively participate in changing the world. These awake consumers easily adapt to changing circumstances through their vast experiences with technology. These consumers do not shy away from facing challenges through the usage of technology and innovation.

Photo by Jeremy Cohen


As homes emerge as important living spaces with values different than before the Corona 19 incident, we gain relaxation and healing with a cup of coffee we make ourselves. Creating self-life such as a home café, self-care, and home fitness, reveals one’s own taste has become a life trend, enjoying small pleasures and revealing them on social media (CNN, 2020). Minimalism, one of the art movements that had a strong influence on modern times, is an attempt to refrain from decoration or technique with “minimalism” and express fundamental beauty or meaning.

Photo By Iammoteh




Organic Modernism